Monday, January 27, 2020

Writers Block

Trying to write the first post of my blog is daunting to say the least. I have written and rewritten, erased and rewritten, changed my mind and deleted, over and over and over. Then I wrote a halfway decent post and the computer decided not to save it so I lost that one!

I want this first blog post to reflect where I am going with this project. I want it to introduce you to me and my family. I want it to be PERFECT! But why should my blog post be perfect? I certainly am not a perfect person, nor am I trying to leave you with a false impression of my life. It is my intention for this blog to be a raw, open and informative series on my life, my products, my goals, my dreams and yes even my failures. I am really excited to share it all with you and hope you enjoy and learn a thing or two.

So let's just jump in! HI! My name is Pnina Cohen I am 35 years old (I think, yeah, I am one of those people who cannot remember anyone's birthdays, even their own) married to my husband Avi for almost 15 years (see how I did that, dates are not my thing!) I live on a 38 acre farm in Western Pennsylvania with my three children. G. and B. are 10 year old twins who were born prematurely at 24 weeks gestation (a story for another time.) and R. my 6 year old who was born at 41.5 weeks at home in my basement (another story for another time!) We also live with a cat named Wocket (as in the Dr. Suese book "Theres a Wocket in my Pocket") a Shetland sheepdog named Alex (he came to us with that name so I can't take credit or criticism) a parrot named Oz (as in "The Wizard of Oz"... He also came with his name but there is a funny story to that, hopefully I will share another time) and two chickens named Challah* and Burnt Challah (yeah, I can not take credit for the names either, they were named by my kiddos. The guideline was it needed to be a Mitzvah* since we name all our chickens something to do with Mitzvos.* One of the hens is a brown bread like color and the other... did you guess she is black? Yep! Burnt Challah it is!! Clearly my kids are familiar with me burning things (from time to time.)

I am a stay at home working mommy. You may wonder what I mean by that so let me explain. I have my children with me 24/7 I cyberschool two of my kids (that is changing I am so excited, but more on that later) homeschool the third child,  take care of our household and cook and clean... I also have a 38 acre farm that I work and run AND my own business called Youngevity/Beneyou/Jamberry (long story there on the names! More on it later!)

I have been struggling with my health for years, I have infertility, (all 3 of my kids are IVF babies) Fibromialgia, Autoimmunity, Depression and Anxiety. I also have been diagnosed with PTSD. Due to the above, I have also struggled with my weight most of my life. Recently I started working with a functional medicine practice called Integrity Wellness and alot has turned around for me! I am down 36 pounds, managing my depression and anxiety, much less chronic pain and all around a better person.

So I wrote the above post and then forgot to publish it... Instead of rewriting it again I am just posting it! Hope you enjoy!

Glossery of Hebrew or Yiddish terms used
*Challah-A braided bread we traditionally eat on the Sabbath
*Mitzvah/Mitzvos- Commandments of G-d that we try to follow

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to order

Welcome! I am so happy you found me! Here is how to order:
Call 412-513-6969
Website 24/7